The teacher residency model is the best way for college graduates to become a teacher, earn a teaching license, and prepare for an effective career. is the only list that helps you compare all the teacher residencies in the country, exploring your options by geography, financial benefits, program characteristics and more.

Here’s what great teacher preparation looks like.

  • Full-Year Internship

    30+ weeks in the classroom with an effective mentor teacher who demonstrates effective pedagogy and gradually releases teacher responsibilities to the teaching resident. Teacher residencies provide 2-3 times the experience of traditional student teaching.

  • Coursework that Matters

    Residents not only spend a full year in the classroom, they also take great coursework that prepares them for success and licensure.

  • Real Coaching

    An instructional coach is someone who cares about your success and your students’ learning. A coach from your residency program who ties together coursework and practice is another voice besides the mentor teacher helping you grow and develop.

Map of Listed Programs

The List

We invite you to explore this list of programs across the country. To explore, try sorting different columns or using the search box to search by state, city, or program characteristics like “equity-focused” or “public” or “charter”.

Programs that we have the most accurate information for are sorted to the top of the list. If you run a residency program that isn’t on the list and you want to get listed, please email You can also email us if you want a link to the survey form to send us updated information.

Name Pub Website Year Started Location Training Yrs Commit to Yrs Characteristics

Ready to find your residency?

We would love to help you find the best program to launch your teaching career! Fill out your name and email (the rest is optional) and we will reach out to answer your questions and/or connect you with the top programs matching your goals.

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